SoundCloud genre and mood tags are important
SoundCloud genre and mood tags are important

Tagging your tracks with relevant genre information is important and helps get your tracks in front of the right people. SoundCloud uses an algorithm to suggest tracks to users and it is important to tag your tracks with accurate genre information. Genre tags are also required to qualify for charts.
For genre, select the chart category that best suits your tracks and playlists. If nothing fits, you can add a custom genre.
In addition to selecting a main genre, tag your tracks with a few relevant sub-genres and any moods that you think describe the track. It’s better to add a handful of relevant tags rather than go crazy and add as many as you can.
If you are an audio creator, make sure that your first tag corresponds to one of the main audio categories in Charts. Next, work your way from general terms such as “podcast” to more specific ones such as “NPR.” It helps to include the names of guests or geographical places that are discussed.