Share your SoundCloud tracks privately

Share your SoundCloud tracks privately

Share your SoundCloud tracks privately

Maybe you want to get feedback on a track from your OG superfans before sharing it with the masses. Or maybe you’d like to pitch your beats to a vocalist you found while skimming the Folk & Singer-Songwriter Charts. Or maybe you’re shopping around your EP to music blogs to premiere exclusively before releasing it publicly. We don’t need to know why you want to keep your music a secret, the important thing is this: we have a way for you to share and collaborate discreetly before it’s 100% ready to be unleashed.

 Secret links

Click Share on any private track or playlist and copy the automatically generated secret link. Only people with this secret link will be able to access the track or playlist. If you want to revoke access and generate a new secret link click the Reset secret link button.

You can also send private tracks and playlists as a SoundCloud message. In the Share menu click the Message tab, select who you want to send the message to, and hit send.

Private embed

To generate a private embed code that can be exclusive to any webpage, click Share on any private track or playlist. The track will be private on SoundCloud and only visible via the private embed.